Still counting votes?
The presidential election took place on November 6th and it is November 18th and we are still counting votes. This is really embarrassing to be still counting votes almost two weeks later. It is not only the presidental election that has ramifications in this election either, it is also the House and the Senate. We already know who won the presidential election because luckily it was not close and didn't come down to the state of Arizona where they were counting votes a week late. It makes the system less trustworthy and the American bureaucracies are already losing more and more trust by the day. "As of April 2024, 22% of Americans say they trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just about always” (2%) or “most of the time” (21%). Last year, 16% said they trusted the government just about always or most of the time, which was among the lowest measures in nearly seven decades of polling." (Pew Research). This does not help the cause or increase trust in our systems. Trump was leading the popular vote by a much larger margin and the House seats have yet to be called. I ofcourse want every vote counted, but it is unacceptable to have it drag on like this. The states are the ones to blame for this of course, but it should be a federal mandate to have votes counted on time. Florida, one of the biggest states by population in the country had their votes counted two or three hours after the polls closed. "In the 2020 presidential election, Florida reported the results within a few hours of poll close of more than 99% of ballots cast. In California, almost one-third of ballots were uncounted after election night. The state was making almost daily updates to its count through Dec. 3, a full month after Election Day." (AP) It is mind blowing to see a state like Arizona take their sweet time in tabulation, while Florida can efficiently count at a much higher per-capita rate. We will see if their is any change on how election day is done and whether the House, if it ever gets in session, does to tackle the issue.
Hey! You bring up some really valid frustrations when it comes to the extended vote-counting process and its impact on public trust in the system. It's true that states like Florida have proved efficiency in vote tabulation, which raises questions about why other states like Arizona take longer. However, I do think it's important to consider that different states have unique election laws and procedures that can affect the speed of counting, especially with things like mail-in ballots. While a federal mandate might help standardize the process, it could also create concerns about states' rights. Accuracy should also be the priority, even if it takes extra time.