VP debate: How did it go?

Last Tuesday the VP debate was held by NBC between Tim Walz and JD Vance. The debate was a breath of fresh air for some because it was not as hostile as the presidential debate. NBC incorporated the same rules, like the muted mics and allotted time for each candidate. There was a winner in this debate, but it wasn't because of policy. Everyone knows the republican candidate is going to bring up immigration, while the democrat is going to focus on abortion. The winner was the American people. We saw how a debate could be and what can happen when we hear the other side. Throughout the evening, although we had some confrontation, the candidates did agree with each other on some things. They sounded like they heard each other, even if they didn't agree with the other's stance. However, Politico, once again, decided to try and spin a victory for Tim Walz based on facial expressions. "Our appearance is fundamental to our body language, and research indicates that voters see beards as (surprise, surprise) more masculine. That can be positive to some, reading as strength and competence. But to others, especially women, it can be negative, conveying aggression and opposition to feminist ideals." (Navarro, 2024). Yes, Vance's beard is a sign of toxic masculinity. It is now a negative to have a beard in politics. Facial hair now takes precedent over policy? Lincoln was one of the best presidents in our history, best known for his repeal of slavery, but since he had a beard, he falls down a few pegs according to Politico's analysis. However, Tim Walz's wide eyes, don't show nervousness, but instead passion. Eye-popping can sometimes be a sign of surprise, but for Walz, it simply revealed his emotional intensity — like this moment during an exchange about abortion. The orbicularis oculi muscle, working in concert with the corrugator and frontalis muscles, contract to raise the eyebrows — a dynamic and emphatic facial motion that grabbed the viewer’s attention. Early humans would have made such facial gestures to communicate strong emotions, like “danger is close.” For Walz, it gave extra weight to his feelings and held our gaze." (Navarro, 2024). Walz's eyes grab the viewers attention all right. It didn't show what Politico thinks it did, it showed surprise and anxiety. Both candidates were caught in a trap, Walz with his lies about China and Vance with his non answer to the 2020 election. I do wish Walz would have been asked about his military service lies, since they did press Vance on his past comments about Trump. Overall, it was a pleasant debate between two candidates who seemed to care about the topics. 



  1. Hi Will! It’s always nice to see a civil debate between two candidates because sadly that is not as common nowadays. I think that the whole beard thing is weird and totally unnecessary to focus on. For people to take a beard and to allow that to communicate all of these assumptions about someone is insane. I think we get ourselves in a lot of trouble when we focus on someone’s appearance over the content of their character, or in this case their campaign/ policies. Overall, the debate was pleasant like you said but I think we always could do better on focusing on the campaign rather than body language or the appearance of the candidates.

  2. This was such a fascinating blog to read about and really eye opening to just how much the media can at times try to make something out of nothing. I agree with you that this debate was much better in terms of them trying to listen and understand one another and not simply argue the entire time. I think it is an absolute stretch to comment on Vance's beard as well as Walz's eyes when there is so many other more important topics and moments to comment on from the debate. It appears to me that Politico was simply stretching to be able to find something controversial in order to keep viewers engaged and against one another. This was an important debate and hopefully will allow for people to open their eyes and be more open to listening to different people with different views and not be so stuck in their own opinions and thoughts. I really enjoyed getting to read this and look forward to reading more of your blogs!


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