McDonald's - who does it better?

In the beginning of the Kamala Harris campaign she claimed to have been a worker at McDonald's. That claim has been debated by the Trump camp because they claim that it has no weight.  "The Trump camp has said, without evidence, it's a lie. At the same time, the Harris camp has not provided any evidence that the vice president did in fact work at the Golden Arches." (NewsWeek, 2024). Harris and a friend have claimed that she did work at McDonald's in the 80s, however it was never mentioned before and the friend just heard the claim from Harris' mother. Harris failed to mention this stint in either one of her books, but the claim is less important as the execution by the Trump campaign. Regardless of if Harris really worked at the fast food chain, it is a good strategic move to play on your opponents claims, especially when it pertains to the middle class. Harris has said the middle class as the back-bone of America and that she really would like to win some of their votes. Trump is not middle class and never has been, but he does seem to resonate with the lesser income individuals for some reason, even calling them forgotten. Harris, however, acts like she is still middle class, which she isn't. "U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris wore a $62,000 necklace while recording a video in which she asked people to donate to her 2024 presidential campaign." (Snopes, 2024). Though, the claim isn't cleared by snopes, the necklace looks identical. This also isn't the first time she has worn a luxury item, as she consistently sports a Hermes belt. Of course, this isn't a comparison on who is the most gaudy because Trump also sports luxury, but it is funny to claim middle class and wear a years salary around your neck. All this to say, Trump's attempt to play on Harris' claim of working at McDonald's is not only comedic, but appeals to the working class. Sports players are also doing this now, as they work at Canes after a big win or event. Trump even had this line when working the fry cook “I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala.” (Swick, 2024).


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