Are the polls right?

 Ever since 2016, the polls have been up for discussion. Even before then but Clinton was such a big favorite in 2016 that it was almost incomprehensible that Trump beat her in that election. Ever since, the American people have had a difficult time trusting the poll numbers. How can it be that Trump defeated Hillary when she had such a big lead in the polls? This is the question that people are continuing to ask. Is Harris up or is Trump leading? It could be either becuase the polling is so skewed in many polls. "A new ABC News-Ipsos poll, conducted from Oct. 4-8, showed that among likely voters, Harris led Trump 50 percent to 48 percent, within the poll’s margin of error. Last month, the same poll found Harris at 51 percent support among likely voters compared to Trump at 46 percent." (Washington Post, 2024). It is hard to tell now, but even the media is scratching at the numbers to find any signs. In this article it is unclear just who to trust and how reliable the information is. Trump and Harris have a long way to go before election day, but it is coming up. It will be interesting to see how the polls shake out, and most importantly, how the election votes look on November 5th.


  1. This was such an interesting blog that truly reflects the times that we are in right now. With the elections getting closer, it is certainly interesting to hear and better understand how the polls and everything work. I remember back in 2016, that was the first time I learned that someone could get more public votes; however, still lose the overall election. That was interesting to me and as a young teenager, felt like a loophole in the system. This will most definitely be an interesting election with hopefully peaceful reactions. I look forward to getting to read more of your blogs, especially as we approach the election more! Thanks so much for sharing!


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